News 2018
Efficacy of Artesunate-amodiaquine Combination Therapy against Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in a Forty-two Day Follow-up in the Ikata-Likoko Area of Southwest Cameroon
An article with the theme ''Efficacy of Artesunate-amodiaquine Combination Therapy against Plasmodium falciparum Malaria in a Forty-two Day Follow-up in the Ikata-Likoko Area of Southwest Cameroon'' has been published.The main aim of this study was to monitor ......
Global Health Catalyst 2018 summit, Harvard Medical School
Participation of Prof. LEHMAN Leopold Gustave at the Global Heath Catalyst 2018 Harvard Medical School in the USA, Boston from May 25 to 26, 2018. The theme of his presentation was "Innovations in biomedical technology for essential healthcare in Cameroon".To ......
Epidemiology of Malaria Using LED Fluorescence Microscopy among Schoolchildren in Douala, Cameroon
A study with the title "Epidemiology of Malaria Using LED Fluorescence Microscopy among Schoolchildren in Douala, Cameroon" was conducted under the supervision of Prof Lehman. It aimed to determine the prevalence of asymptomatic malaria in children using ......
Predictive factors of a negative serology in a newborn from a HIV positive mother at Douala
 A study entitled ''Predictive factors of a negative serology in a newborn from a HIV positive mother at Douala''has been published.This study aimed to present the factors that predispose to the transmission of HIV from mother to child in Douala. She ......
A workshop  was held at the Diocese of Eseka and Promotio-justiciae under the theme "Impact of the exploitation of natural resources and sustainable development in Eséka" in January 20, 2018. This workshop was to raise awareness among leaders in the ......
Larvicidal and nymphocidal activities of essential oils from pericarps of ripe fruits of some species of Citrus on Culex pipiens Linnaeus 1758, vector of Bancroft filariasis in Cameroon
A study was carried out on ''Larvicidal  and  nymphocidal  activities of essential  oils from pericarps  of  ripe fruits  of  some  species  of  Citrus  on Culex pipiens Linnaeus 1758, vector  ......
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